Thursday, 24 March 2022

Magnet Bonding Adhesive Overview


Look around at the company to see how many daily items need magnets. It's possible to be amazed. Magnets are required for microphones, electric motors, and loudspeakers. For example, you may have several electric motors in your vehicle that operate everything from your mirror to your windows, power steering, and even your windows. Almost all these magnets can be held in place by adhesives.

Electrical motors have become more popular in recent years due to adhesives (gohsenol ),

 which make electric motors more reliable. Clips are another way to attach the magnets. Clips create a stress point towards the magnet. This stress can cause the magnet to crack and the motor to fail.

There are many adhesive options, even though there are so many motors and magnets. To ensure you choose the right product for your magnet bonding application, take a moment to review the requirements of your project. This topic is covered in a lot of detail, but you can always contact the adhesive manufacturer to discuss your requirements.

Strength and temperature resistance

To choose the best adhesive, it is important to identify the operating temperature and types of stress (sheer or torque)

Chemical compatibility

Copper from the motor assembly will not mix well with some adhesives ( Polyvinyl alcohol). Methacrylic acid, for example, can cause copper to corrode over time due to the risk of product failure. For more information, consult the Technical Data Sheet or contact technical support.


You can bond the magnet to the speaker, rotor or can. There are also other adhesive options for motors, microphones and speakers. You can make your product more efficient by selecting products for multiple users.


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